Gender Reveal!

I am so excited to share this little video Jordan put together of our gender reveal party from this past weekend. We were surrounded by some of our closest friends + family when we found out the gender of our sweet baby.  ‘Thank you’ to all of you who have texted/called/commented, we appreciate you SO much. –You can follow my pregnancy journey on here + on my youtube channel.

P.S. Please feel free to leave a comment below or send me an email with any tips/advice as I will be a nervous, new mama!


I’m Ivana Hicks. Lover of Jesus. Wife to Jordan. Mama to 3 sweet babies--Ayven, Lukah, and Taliya. And, dog mama to 5. Currently living in Minnesota while calling Austin home. Ivana Karyhn (ee-vuh-na : kuh-reen) is a space where you can follow my journey, my growth, and my heart--and anything in between.

PSALM 37:24

though she falls, she will not be overwhelmed, because the lord supports her with his



  1. 4.3.18
    Ashley E said:

    It’s ok to walk away if you need 15 minutes to yourself. Nap when the baby naps lol. When he gets older, the dishes can wait, spend that extra time with them. Time goes so fast. Get in a lot of date nights now. Just go with the flow of things. And remember, what works for one family doesn’t work for all. You guys will do great.

    • 4.20.18
      simplyivana said:

      such good advice <3 thank you so much! Xoxo

  2. 4.4.18
    Mel said:

    So excited to see more videos, such a beautiful journey to share and keep track of. Baby Hicks is already so so loved. ❤️

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