Ayven’s Fresh 48

Hi, Friends! 🙂

Our baby is now 5 months old + I can’t tell you where the time has gone but am so grateful to be able to look back on this day + relive my baby being a newborn again. These are moments that we’ll cherish + hold close to our hearts for years to come. I am so thankful that our dear friend, Mila, was able to capture Ayven’s first day in this world.

For those who don’t know what ‘Fresh 48’ means, it’s a special photo session of your newborn’s first few hours in the world. This session captures your baby’s first yawns, their baby feet, + those special first encounters with your baby. Ayven was only 14 hours old in these pictures.

I’m Ivana Hicks. Lover of Jesus. Wife to Jordan. Mama to 3 sweet babies--Ayven, Lukah, and Taliya. And, dog mama to 5. Currently living in Minnesota while calling Austin home. Ivana Karyhn (ee-vuh-na : kuh-reen) is a space where you can follow my journey, my growth, and my heart--and anything in between.

PSALM 37:24

though she falls, she will not be overwhelmed, because the lord supports her with his



  1. 2.8.19
    Letty said:

    Happy birthday, Ivana❤
    We love you.

    Beautiful pictures of your greatest gift❤
    God bless.

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